Gianni Barcaccia
Full Professor of Genetics and Genomics since 2017 teaching in different degree courses of the Academic School of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine of the University of Padua, Campus of Agripolis, IT ( and Adjunct Professor of Plant Breeding at the University of Georgia, Campus of Athens, USA ( Tenured Academic of the University of Padova from 2001 to 2017 and Vice Director of Department from 2014 to 2019. Since 2019 Director of the Department of Agronomy Food Natural resources Animals and Environment - DAFNAE for the academic years 2019-2023 and 2023-2027. Recently elected Coordinator of the Council of Department Directors of the University of Padova for the academic years 2023-2027. Spoke leader of the National Center for Technology in Agriculture – AGRITECH years 2022-2026 ( Since 2011 Principal Investigator of the Laboratory of Genetics and Genomics for Plant Breeding at DAFNAE.

Agritech National Center
Future farming must face and overcome two main constraints: i) pursuing the goal of producing more and of higher quality, on increasingly smaller arable lands, using less inputs, e.g. water, energy, fertilizers, pesticides, etc.; ii) sustaining the socioeconomic function of agriculture systems, and their bioeconomy. Our Spoke - Multifunctional and Resilient Agriculture and Forestry Systems for the Mitigation of Climate Change Risks - is undertaking two main actions: i) at crop level, exploiting next-generation genotyping/phenotyping platforms for the selection of cultivated varieties tolerant to biotic and resilient to abiotic stresses, ensuring greater unit yields (“more with less” principle); ii) at field level, finding the best technology solutions with the aim of increasing the use efficiency of inputs according to the “do no significant harm” principle.